runscreamdie title

Run. Scream. Die.

11th & 12th February

You know how in horror films the characters end up doing dumb things that quite obviously will lead to horrible and sudden deaths? Do you sit there shouting at the screen urging them not to venture into an obvious danger area, usually with the lights off? Or, do you like to sit back and watch events unfold satisfied you saw it coming and feel happy that another dumb character has met their grisly end? I don't know about you, but I'm happy to let them charge in, under equipped in every way and oblivious to what lurks waiting. Such fun.

Well, for this show where the title is quite obvious as to what you will be unfolding, come along for a show filled with original horror stories where characters do these same stupid things and you can shout or laugh as they meet their fate. The characters don't know what's coming, but I bet you do...

Normally known for his popular ancient Egyptian and quirky suspense storytelling shows, Kevin brings a new show dishing up his love of horror sprinkled with a little bit of surprise and dark twisted humour.

Warning: Stories contain scary/horror themes and a bit of swearing. The performance is unsuitable for anyone under the age of 16 or of a nervous disposition.

Written and performed by Kevin Groves. More information can be found at


ticket information

Performance dates: 11th & 12th February 2025

Times: 7pm

Tickets: £15 / £13




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