My Name Is Rachel Corrie

My Name is rachel corrie

‘We are all born and someday we’ll all die. Most likely to some degree alone.What if our aloneness isn’t a tragedy? What if our aloneness is what allows us to speak the truth without being afraid?’

A Jewish actor and predominantly Jewish team bring to life the story of Rachel Corrie, a courageous 23 year old American woman who left her comfortable home, in 2003, to go to Gaza and stand between a bulldozer and a Palestinian home. The script is taken from Corrie's own words, originally edited for the stage by Alan Rickman & Katherine Viner. 

All company profit from ticket sales will go to Ahmed Masoud’s family in Gaza. Ahmed’s brother was killed by an Israeli air strike in January and his family's house was destroyed. Three of his siblings also lost their homes. Ahmed is fundraising to support his family in Gaza as well as get his mum and sister out, to receive urgent medication in Egypt.


Rachel Corrie:  Sascha Shinder


Creative Team

Director:  Sophia Rosen- Fouladi

Consultant Director:  Susan Worsfold 

Producer:  Mischa Alexander 

Lighting Designer / Technician: Miki Burnett

Sound Designer:  Ben Edwards 

Ticket information:

Performance dates: 24th - 29th June 2024

Performance time:  7.30pm  

Run Time: 85 mins

Tickets: £15 / £20 / £25

Pay More As A Donation To Ahmed Masoud's Family Fundraiser 



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